Graduate Teaching Support

The Center for Teaching and Learning provides support and training resources to Graduate Teaching Assistants.

Events + Meetups

Graduate TA Orientation Session I + Session II

Join the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Graduate School for a two-part Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation.

Graduate TA Orientation Session I (Hybrid)

Meet other Graduate Teaching Assistants while connecting with resources for TAs at UAF 

Date: August 20, 2024, 9:00 am- 12:00 pm

Location: Schaible Auditorium (JUB 200, Joseph E. Usibelli Building) and on Zoom

Additional Details: Lunch provided immediately after the event.

Graduate TA Orientation Session II (Hybrid)

Graduate TAs will leave this session with an understanding of a range of pedagogical approaches in higher education.

Date:  September 20, 2024, 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM

Location: BP Design Theater and on Zoom

Additional Details: Lunch provided immediately after the event.

The MILL logo

Graduate TA’s Weekly Meet-up @ the MILL

Join us at the Center for Teaching and Learning for an informal meetup in the MILL makerspace. Instructional designers will be available for teaching support questions. Snacks provided.

Date: Weekly on Friday Location: The MILL, 131 Bunnell

Connect virtually

Join UAF’s Faculty Hub Slack team, where instructors at all levels are invited to ask questions and get support from one another and from instructional designers. After joining, be sure to browse for the #grad-students channel to connect with other grad students.

Teaching Resources

Consult a Designer

Book a consultation with an instructional designer to help you troubleshoot problems, develop curriculum, create and schedule assessments, and so much more.


Graduate TA’s will have the opportunity to complete self-paced micro-courses in core teaching-in-higher-ed concepts. Completion of each course will result in a microcredential that evidences expertise in the field of higher ed pedagogy.