Clara Noomah

Clara Noomah

Instructional Designer STEM Development Lead

Unlocking the Potential of Students as Partners

A graduate shaking the hand of faculty at graduation

Meaningful and equal collaboration between students and instructors can be a transformative experience for both parties, but achieving that goal often seems elusive. This teaching tip explores the possibilities of pedagogical partnership programs as one tool to build successful partnerships in the context of the UAF Center for Teaching and Learning's LEAP program.

Some perspective on the new UAF RSI checklist

A diagram showing the four aspects of RSI as interlocking puzzle pieces

This teaching tip serves as an introduction to the concept of Regular and Substantive Interactions, part of new Federal regulations concerning online education, and offers helpful and specific advice to instructors who are looking to transform their current course into one that not only meets the new regulations, but also increases student success, all while being efficient with the instructor's time.