Canvas mobile apps for teachers and students

As an instructor, you'll be able to stay on top of what is happening in your courses and to be able to communicate with your students from your mobile device.
As an instructor, you'll be able to stay on top of what is happening in your courses and to be able to communicate with your students from your mobile device.
This year, UAF has been involved in a UA-wide pilot program to assess the Canvas learning management system (LMS). More than 1,000 students and 45 faculty are currently using Canvas in 66 courses. Read their feedback regarding design and usability.
Setting due dates for assessments in Blackboard can be a time-consuming task. Use the Grade Center Due Dates tool to manage this task faster.
In the UA Blackboard system, one of the most used tools is the Test Tool. It can be used to create quizzes, midterms, exams and pre- and post-assessments. Good and effective use of the Test Tool can be facilitated by…