Quality Matters
Developing and recognizing quality online courses and programs.
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized peer review process for certifying quality in online courses
“Quality Matters (QM) is a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online courses and online components. … QM has received national recognition for its peer-based approach to quality assurance and continuous improvement in online education.”
You can use the Quality Matters (QM) research-based rubric to assist you in finding areas, and gathering ideas, on how to improve your online or hybrid course with regards to student learning, best practices in course design, and more.
To access the QM resources you need to set up a personal account on QM’s secure website.
Get Ready for Certification
- Complete a workshop: the IYOC (Improving Your Online Course) or the APPQMR (Applying the Quality Matter Rubric) are the best choices
- Get a copy of the QM Rubric by requesting one from UAF CTL
- Use the Self-Review tool to assess your own course.
Check if you are prepared for an Official Review prior to putting in a request for a QM Certified review.
These reviews currently cost $1000. UAF CTL pays for each where the QM Coordinator has determined the course could pass the evaluation process at 85% or higher.
Self-Guided Review
UAF is a QM subscribing institution; UAF faculty have access to QM Resources including the Research Library and a comprehensive Self-Review Tool for evaluating your own course. Fill out this form to get started.
Quality Matters Managed Formal Review
Online and hybrid courses are eligible for a formal review. It is a three-week process. A Master Reviewer, Subject Matter Expert and External Reviewer from other institutions examine your course using the QM Rubric, decides if it meets expectations for each standard, and provides ideas for improvement or enrichment on specific items of your course. If two or more reviewers agree a standard has been met, no revision is required. If not, you may revise your course using the recommendations.
Quality Matters: Further Resources
- CTL: Alignment
- CTL: Assessment
- CTL: Quality Matters Resources