Quality Matters (QM) Resources

The UAF CTL Design team has developed this website in order to support inventive, engaging, and high quality teaching and learning. Toward the same end, the design team supports Quality Matters (QM) reviews and certification of hybrid and online course at UAF. We’ve created the table below to demonstrate the connection between these two projects and to help you  use the pedagogy resources offered on this site to implement  QM standards in your course.

Learn more about the QM review process here.

General Standard 1:  Course Overview and Introduction

The overall design of the course is made clear to the learner at the beginning of the course.

Overview Statement: The course overview and introduction set the tone for the course, let learners know what to expect, and provide guidance to ensure learners get off to a good start.

General Standard 2: Learning Objectives (Competencies)

Learning objectives or competencies describe what learners will be able to do upon completion of the course.

Overview Statement: The learning objectives or competencies establish a foundation upon which the rest of the course is based.

General Standard 3: Assessment and Measurement

Assessments are integral to the learning process and are designed to evaluate learner progress in achieving stated learning objectives or mastering the competencies.

Overview Statement: Assessment is Implemented in a manner that corresponds to the course learning objectives or competencies and not only allows the instructor a broad perspective on the learners’ mastery of content but also allows learners to track their learning progress throughout the course.

General Standard 4: Instructional Materials

Instructional materials enable learners to achieve stated learning objectives or competencies.

Overview Statement: The focus of this Standard is on supporting the course objectives and competencies, rather than on qualitative judgments about the instructional materials.

General Standard 5: Course Activities and Learner Interaction

Course activities facilitate and support learner interaction and engagement.  

Overview Statement:  Course components that promote active learning contribute to the learning process and to learner persistence.

General Standard 6: Course Technology

Course technologies support learners’ achievement of course objectives or competencies.

Overview Statement: The technologies enabling the various tools used in the course facilitate rather than impede the learning process.

General Standard 7: Learner Support

The course facilitates learner access to institutional support services essential to learner success.

Overview Statement: It is important to ensure online learners know they have access to and are encouraged to use the services that support learners at the institution. In the Learner Support Standard, four different kinds of support services are addressed: technical support, accessibility support, academic services support, and student services support.

General Standard 8: Accessibility and Usability

The course design reflects a commitment to accessibility and usability for all learners.

Overview Statement: The course design utilizes the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and reflects a commitment to accessibility, ensuring all learners ca access all course content and activities, and to usability, ensuring all learners can easily navigate and interact with course components.

Resources you might include in your course