Collaborative Tools for Students
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Let’s not be satisfied with the “feedback sandwich approach' in course discussion. Providing guidance and setting expectations for what good discussion feedback looks like can help move students beyond giving comments that do not prompt further discussion, build on an argument or rethink one’s own stance.
Solving Ill-structured problems require high order thought, reflective consideration and guided discussion. This teaching tip provides specific research based practices to conducting such discussion in your online class.
Whether you’re creating or updating an online course or experimenting with blending online and face-to-face modes, rich, original media can improve your course. Opportunities abound to enhance your presence and provide your unique perspective.
In the next few weeks, some faculty may notice a switch from “Google Hangouts' to something called “Google Meet'. The two are nearly identical but the change in interface might be a little confusing, so we’ve summarized some of the changes to help you stay ahead of the game.
"Nix fadstälnaw r'idi chyai" means “Let’s explore somewhere new' in Fosk, a language constructed by students in a linguistics course at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
New features have been updated in Blackboard Learn relating to assignment submissions. Teachers and students are now able to add attachments via drag and drop. There are also new features that allow tracking of quiz attempts and assignment submissions. Read this week’s Teaching Tip to learn how the new features are giving both students and instructors more power in Blackboard Learn.
3 pm: Tuesday, August 15, 2017Join Sean Holland and Jennifer Moss for a discussion on accessibility in your course and course materials.
H5P is a plugin you can use with your WordPress site to create interactive content, such as image hotspots, which can help your students with various learning styles.
Even seasoned WordPress users can learn a new trick. WordPress actively changes as new updates are applied to the main product. Years after I began using WordPress almost daily, a coworker showed me how to edit multiple settings from within one screen! This tip will show you how.
In this session we will talk about using synchronous sessions in class and go through using Collaborate Ultra. This is a joint session for iTeach+ and iTeach Online participants. Join the session here on August 4, 2017 at noon.
In this session, we’ll take a closer look at Google Slides as an informational platform for either a presentation or the basis for a screencast. Also, join in a group project to create a shared presentation. Download presentation