Data tracking

How do you know they are listening? You put an incredible amount of effort into your online or flipped course. If you’re curious to see how often–or, how long–people are listening, reports and data help. Blackboard, SoundCloud, and YouTube track user views.

Students as creators

“A shift is taking place in the focus of pedagogical practice on university campuses all over the world as students across a wide variety of disciplines are learning by making and creating rather than from the simple consumption of content….University departments in areas that have not traditionally had lab or hands-on components are shifting to incorporate hands-on learning experiences as an integral part of the curriculum.

Managing Google without logging in and out

Many of us have several google accounts for different purposes. We all have our official UA google@alaska account. You might have a consumer account for personal or professional reasons, you might be tied to one of the school districts that uses Google for email and other Google applications. Your department or program may have found it easier to have a shared account for department-related content that doesn’t belong to just one person.

Service learning

Use service learning in your course to help students gain perspective. As an instructor, you strive to encourage students to learn, strengthen their understanding by adding depth to their knowledge, and give them real world experience through service learning. Service learning is another facet of active learning. Ask students to apply what you teach.

CTL – faculty resources online

This week we're highlighting CTL because we recently made some changes to the web site. If you haven't already, check out the following links:
-Find Upcoming Teaching and Technology Training
-View Teaching and Technology Resources
-Get Inspired and Connect with Others
-Read Weekly Teaching Tips
-Find Out Who We Are and What We Do

Effective learning

On my first day of high school I was given a slip of paper with the combination to my book and coat locker. I carried that slip of paper with me for a week, glancing at it several times a day until the set of three numbers was firmly in my memory.


When using a Google Document or Sheet, have you found yourself asking, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could do [insert task] like I can in Word or Excel?' Google Documents (Doc) and Google Sheets are part of the UA Google Applications package and are available for all students, staff, and faculty.

Instructor voice

The other day I asked an emeritus faculty member where he derived his teaching style from. Looking back on a stunning 35 years of instructional experience, he said he had a great mentor instructor in undergraduate school and thought, “I want to be like him.'

Eye Tracking as Pedagogical, Generative Tool

2014 CITE Fellow Dr. Sarah Stanley shares this reflection of her CITE project: Learning is like the jet stream of an airplane–it vanishes! But, as a teacher, I want to capture that jet stream–I want to study and learn from my student’s learning. So, in Fall 2014,  I will be, again, working with eye tracking […]

Designing rubrics

You’re probably familiar with the old joke in which a man’s wife notices him cutting the ends off the ham before baking it. He tells her that’s the way his dad does it and it’s a key secret to the wonderful taste. When the man’s wife finally asks her father-in-law about it he laughs and replies, “That’s not it! If I don’t cut the ends, the ham won’t fit in my pan.'