Quiz analysis

The end of the semester is a good time to review how well your students did on your class assessments and if those assessments actually gave you evidence of student’s understanding. One type of assessment that you might include in your course is a test that students access through Blackboard.

Planning your Prezi

Prezi separates itself from conventional presentation platforms by breaking free of the linear nature of slides. That being said, how do we effectively take advantage of its unique capabilities? One of Prezi’s greatest features is the way in which it presents multimedia content. It enables presenters to guide viewers through images, text, video, and audio media in a way that highlights the relationships between the information and ideas presented.

The Promise of SkyBox

No podcast this week; we had some icestorm activity last week and it really messed up everyone's schedules. So here is an article on space and the future and awesomeness instead. Hope you enjoy.

HTML Basics

HTML is the code behind what we see on web sites. Whether you realize it or not, every time you create online (make a Blackboard entry, publish to a website, post on Facebook, comment on a blog, etc.) you are using HTML. Web design has come a long way from the beginning when you had to hand code everything; usually we just have to fill out a form and our content magically appears. However, knowing some basic HTML can be really handy when you are trying to troubleshoot something that looks strange, for appearance, or for custom sites.

Extra credit

How you choose to use extra credit can enhance a student's learning opportunities. Whether you're for or against the use, a few simple rules will make it easier to deploy. Consider using optional quizzes over the reading material prior to the start of class to encourage students to be prepared for in-class discussion.

Blackboard global navigation

Get an overview of your activity within the Blackboard world all in one spot by using the new Global Navigation feature in the update, Service Pack 11, for Blackboard 9.1. This efficient suite of tools will help you and your students get an overview of your activity within the Blackboard world —all in one spot.


The Understanding by Design model teaches us how to create our curriculum backward from big ideas to activities...but what about the benefits of teaching backward? Allowing students to explore larger concepts, while you fill in, here and there, with the details, helps to enliven the experience of the subject.