Category Blackboard Bitez

The Assignment Tool

Welcome to Blackboard Bitez! In this episode, let’s take a look at the build-in tool for assignments in Blackboard. Show Notes The video shows you how to use the assignment feature in your Blackboard course. The assignment tool is one…

My Courses Navigation

This Blackboard Bitez shows you how to modify and personalize your landing page in Blackboard. You might find that this useful little tip helps you navigate around Blackboard a lot easier. Show Notes This video shows you how to make…

Multiple Folders Creation

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Blackboard Bytez. Each episode we take a look at the inner workings of Blackboard and the features that save us time. This week, I’ll show you how to create multiple folders in your Bb…

Smart Views


Welcome to another episode of Blackboard Bitez. Each week, we take a look at the inner workings of Blackboard. This week, we look at the awesomeness of Smart Views. Show Notes A Smart View is a filtered view of specific…

Discussion Board Course Link

This Blackboard Bitez tutorial  shows you how to create a course link to a discussion forum.  Course links are an easy way to keep all your navigation in one folder, one location. It minimizes confusion and makes your course overall look better.