Ideation Studio at the MILL
Ideation Studio is a series of hands-on workshops intended to help researchers, faculty, staff and students work together to solve Alaska challenges across silos. Participants network with others, come up with new ideas, expand on existing ideas and discover how others are solving complex and wicked problems in Alaska. Participants automatically qualify to apply for up to $20,000 in seed funding.
Tuesday, February 4th – 1:00-3:00 p.m
Open to all students, faculty and staff with a focus on those who are doing research. Come learn about the MILL and blend creativity with your work in this ideation studio where you will leave with something you have made during the event.
Tuesday, February 11th – 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Are you a student at UAF? Join us for the first student-focused ideation studio. Learn about research that students in Nima Farzadnia’s lab are working on and ideate on some tough problems that are being tackled at the university while engaging in a creative activity.
Tuesday, February 18th – 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Open to all students, faculty and staff with a focus on those doing research. Learn about the MILL and blend creativity with your work in this ideation studio where you will leave with something you have made during the event.