Student feedback

In this presentation we talked about strategies for giving feedback, identifying tools to support your efforts and what quality feedback might mean for you and for your students. Presentation slides and recording links provided.

Spark student communication with Flipgrid

In the experience of teaching online, we often miss the lively nature of a classroom discussion. The asynchronous nature of discussion boards don’t replicate this well. Flipgrid is a relatively new tool that solves part of this problem through structured video-based discussions.

New Box View replaces Crocodoc for inline grading

As of this month when your students turn in programming code and graphics inside of Blackboard you can use the New Box View inline grading tool to view the code and add comments to the images. If you previously used Crocodoc to quickly view spreadsheets or papers inside of the Blackboard Grade Center, you’ll find the expanded list of supported file types a breath of fresh air!

Blackboard CTL Template Course Shell

UAF CTL has created a Blackboard template that can be used as a starting place for those developing an online course. The template is based on best practices for higher education online students. The template navigation contains standard areas for…