Online writing – notes in the margins

When I first taught face-to-face composition with the goal to help students understand the academic essay, I had them print out their papers for me to read at my desk next to my beloved mug of pens. I’ve never been comfortable doling out grades without extensive, contextual feedback, so I always wrote a great deal in the margins.

Favorite Podcasts

Hello everyone, I’ve been gone awhile, for which I am sorry. Well, not really. I am recently returned from my honeymoon. So no: sorry is the wrong word. Now that I’m back and caught up, […]


How many teachers have thought “If that student would put as much effort into studying or completing assignments as he does finding ways to cheat, he wouldn’t need to cheat!' But there are a variety of reasons why students cheat in the first place, so being proactive in your exam creation efforts may be better focused in prevention strategies.


The foundation of the Pomodoro Technique is a simple, powerful method to improve time management and focus that demands nothing more than a timer of some kind (ideally mechanical or a good simulation), a pen, and paper.

It’s Not a Class, It’s a Story

In the summer of 2012, I was presented with a challenge.   The time had come to drag my dusty, online, 100-level media literacy course into the 21st  Century.  I had inherited the course a few years earlier and it…

Premium storytelling apps

I write a great deal about freeware because this is such a great era for free tools, with many powerful options out there for all types of projects. That is not to say you should never pay for the tools you use, however. In some cases, premium programs pay back with functionality what you put in them with cash.

Appointment slots

Having students sign up for individual appointments has become easier with the Create Appointment option in Google Calendar. Creating a group of available time slots can be very useful for your students, graduate assistants, staff, and colleagues.

Quiz analysis

The end of the semester is a good time to review how well your students did on your class assessments and if those assessments actually gave you evidence of student’s understanding. One type of assessment that you might include in your course is a test that students access through Blackboard.

The Promise of SkyBox

No podcast this week; we had some icestorm activity last week and it really messed up everyone's schedules. So here is an article on space and the future and awesomeness instead. Hope you enjoy.