Information Fluency

Domain knowledge, critical thinking, and presentation and participation: these are elements that make up information fluency. The terms for this model have been chosen carefully - it’s information fluency, not digital fluency. Many parts of the information fluency model are analog, or comprised of characteristics for which the digital/analog terminology isn’t germane. It is fluency, not literacy.

1 Year Anniversary – Teaching Tips

With this tip, the UAF CTL Instructional Design Team celebrates one year of weekly advice on teaching and educational technology. During that year, the UAF Center for Distance Education moved to a new home and became UAF CTL, the Design Team grew by 30%, and the depth and breadth of the courses and projects the team works on increased by an even greater amount.


Student reflection is an important part of academic success. Asking students to take the time to review the process they are going through to learn can help them make adjustments in that process.


Wikis are great for group work with your students. Wikis are web sites or web pages that multiple authors can edit without needing to know HTML code. Wikis and wiki-like applications provide a readily available, relatively easy-to-use, low-bandwidth platform for collaborative writing and editing.

Conquer public speaking

A semester-based Communications class may help you improve your public speaking. If you have a pressing need or cannot commit to a full class, look to the Toastmaster clubs in your area.