Category Community Seminar

Designing Engaging Online Discussions

Perched seagulls with mouths open as if chatting

Discussion is such a natural tool of engagement in our face-to-face classrooms, but it often feels flat or obligatory online. How can we create engaging online discussions with our students? What tools and practices are available? Join Debbie Mekiana (ANS)…

Working with Dual-Enrolled Students

A student sitting cross-legged in a sunny room, typing on her laptop.

The Faculty Learning Community (FLC) on Best Practices for Dual Enrollment Online Course formed at the beginning of 2020 to discuss how faculty can respond to the increasing numbers of high-school students taking UAF classes through programs such as Alaska…

The Online Student Experience

A panel of UAF students discusses their experiences as online learners. Students discuss their techniques for managing an online courseload, what gets them engaged in their online courses, and what they wish more teachers knew when teaching online.

Propose a Community Seminar

Community Seminars in Teaching and Learning are led by faculty who’ve had success with a particular aspect of or approach to teaching and learning — i.e. contract-based grading, online accessibility, hybrid teaching, etc. Faculty facilitators discuss their experiences and share…