Category Presentations & Events

Practice object-based teaching

Businessman turns wooden cubes and changes the word Teaching to Learning. Beautiful grey table and grey background.
Though I've long practiced the technique of Object-Based Teaching (OBT) in face-to-face and online classrooms alike, I'd never really looked into the scholarship behind it until recently. I'd also not really considered the pedagogical principles behind it, nor whether my pedagogy needed any scrutiny and modification. It turns out that there were some aspects of my practice I needed to modify.

Updates on Google Classroom

Google Classroom helps teacher integrate Google Apps into their classroom. The classroom has space for creating assignments, discussions, grading and feedback. This will be a brief overview of how Classroom might be used in your Classroom. To access Google Classroom,…

Student feedback

In this presentation we talked about strategies for giving feedback, identifying tools to support your efforts and what quality feedback might mean for you and for your students. Presentation slides and recording links provided.