One way to ensure good instructor presence in an online course and present your lecture is by incorporating short lecture videos into your online course materials.
Lesson learning objectives are measurable statements of student performance that outline what you want students to know and understand after they complete a learning module.
Wikis are great for group work with your students. Wikis are web sites or web pages that multiple authors can edit without needing to know HTML code. Wikis and wiki-like applications provide a readily available, relatively easy-to-use, low-bandwidth platform for collaborative writing and editing.
Your PLE is constructed of the applications, tools, resources, services and methods that you use to help you with the everyday tasks of Collecting, Connecting, Reflecting, and Sharing information.
Content material that resides on one website but appears on another is embedded. Embedded material might also have a reduced or specific set of interface controls when appearing on another site.
A semester-based Communications class may help you improve your public speaking. If you have a pressing need or cannot commit to a full class, look to the Toastmaster clubs in your area.