Tag google

12 Days of Google-y AIs 2023

An AI-generated image of mountains behind a ice field.
Join the Center for Teaching and Learning to learn about the power of Google for Education tools and applications of AI solutions to your work. Led by instructional designers, these sessions offer immediately practical guides to using work-based technologies to enhance and streamline our work.

Make your Google Docs accessible

If you use Google Docs in your online course or share them electronically with your face-to-face students make sure they are readable. Some students use a screen reader to assist them. Here are three tips with the needed steps to make your Google Docs more usable.

Email notifications for Google Form submissions

If you use Google Forms for surveys or to quiz your students in class, you may have found yourself wishing that you could get notifications each time someone submits your form. Logging into Google and checking your Results Sheet often can take a lot of time. Fortunately, there is a way to set up notifications and eliminate unnecessary checks on your Results Sheet.

Managing Google without logging in and out

Many of us have several google accounts for different purposes. We all have our official UA google@alaska account. You might have a consumer account for personal or professional reasons, you might be tied to one of the school districts that uses Google for email and other Google applications. Your department or program may have found it easier to have a shared account for department-related content that doesn’t belong to just one person.


When using a Google Document or Sheet, have you found yourself asking, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could do [insert task] like I can in Word or Excel?' Google Documents (Doc) and Google Sheets are part of the UA Google Applications package and are available for all students, staff, and faculty.

Collecting information with Google Forms

The ability to quickly create a form for collecting information is packaged within UA Google Applications. Google Form is a very handy application for creating forms with multiple possible uses within your class or department or program. Create a form to collect information on a wide variety of topics and review the responses in an aggregated, organized-for-you format.