Make an ebook-style lecture in nine steps


Step 1 — Create the Slide Presentation

Create a new Slide presentation from Google Drive. Get help with this step here:

Step 2 — Choose a Theme

Consider using a theme to enhance the visual appeal of your presentation. Find fun theme templates at:

Step 3 — Create Your content

Create your Slide presentation using any text and images you wish to include. Google Slides can do some animation, similar to PowerPoint and Keynote (learn how to do animations here: You can also include drawings you create in Google Draw (learn more about this here:

Step 4 — Including Screencast Video

You may also include videos that you created of your lecture and have uploaded to YouTube. These can be videos created using a screencasting software, such as Screencast-O-Matic (,  other recorded lecture formats. Note: YouTube videos must have either public or unlisted permissions.

Step 5 — Including Video

Consider adding YouTube video from other sources to help bring in other experts as a sort of guest lecture or to help explain a specific topic.

Step 6 — Add Table of Contents

Create a table of contents slide near the beginning of your eBook lesson. Link to each page by selecting the text, clicking on the link icon   and choosing the corresponding page in the slide presentation.   You can add a link on the bottom of each page to return back to the table of contents as well.

A screenshot of a ToC added to a slide presentation

Step 7 — Publish to the Web

Publish your Slide presentation to the web by choosing Top Menu -> File -> Publish to the web and then customize your options.

A screenshot of the "Publish to the web" option in Google Slides

Step 8 — Share with Students

Share with students. Once published, you can grab the link or the embed code to put into Blackboard or your course materials site in your lecture materials section.

Step 9 — Provide as PDF

Offer an alternate format to students. Choose File -> Download as PDF.   Note: any YouTube video that is present in the presentation will be linked to the original so access to Internet is still required for viewing video.

This Teaching Tip was inspired by:


Jennifer Moss

Instructional Designer
edX Certified Course Creator
Creative Commons Certified Educator

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