MILL Makerspace September Challenge
Seasonal Learning
Summer in Alaska is a time of experiential learning as we build new skills through hands-on, informal learning experiences. Did you pack raft for the first time this summer? Did you mentor a student through their first field season? Did you learn a new food preservation method?
Summer learning experiences challenge us as learners to practice and grow outside the formal structures of an academic environment. Reflect on a summer learning experience. How intentional were you in designing this as a learning experience for yourself? What was your process? What kind of support did you seek out for your learning?
Create & Share:
- Visualize: Create a visualization that outlines the steps of your learning process. Were there ah-ha moments where things clicked? What practices supported that process?
- Innovate: Design a tool that could help someone else through a similar learning experience.
Express: Capture the essence of informal learning through a creative piece that represents your journey.
Join the Show!
Submissions are due before the 04 October, to be included in the First Friday show, in the MILL.