New Google Calendar Features

New Features more closely aligned with the IOS/Android apps side by side view new view options, including year view see details with one click menu icon (lasagne) toggles sidebar menu color palette responsive layout One-click view of event details including…

Blackboard: make course available

By default your Blackboard course is made unavailable until you are ready to turn it on. Most instructors make their courses available a day or two before the first day of classes or most definitely on the first day of…

Turn your videos into video quizzes

Creating a video for your course is a great way to engage students and clearly explain content. But how do you keep students watching, and how do you make sure they are grasping the concepts you’re explaining? Kaltura’s Video Quiz feature is a low-stakes and easy way to interactively enhance and further break down a video for student understanding.

To total or not to total – Blackboard Grade Center

Every teacher has goals to be effective and efficient. Knowing more about the tools and features in Blackboard’s Grade Center can help you reach your potential. This week’s tip concentrates on different kinds of Total columns you might use in your course to organize and compute final grades. There is a lot of capability and might be the perfect feature for you to implement in your course.

8. Workflow Management

How do you stay on top of all that you do? Or rather, how do you stay sane and energized and on track to keep doing it, even when you’re buried? There are a number of helpful tools and practices…