Nathan Feemster

Nathan Feemster

Instructional Designer | Blackboard Community Engagement GUI Administrator

Canvas – Extra Credit

The Canvas LMS logo

You can give students extra credit in Canvas through a variety of options. Canvas does not have a default option, or a feature function to add extra credit. This tutorial shows four different options that can be used alone or…

Q&A on AI Text Detection

A student working on a laptop in a cabin while a humanoid robot leans over his shoulder.
Are there any tools that can reliably detect if writing was created with artificial intelligence? No. No, There are no tools which can reliably detect AI-generated writing. This teaching tip covers the current state of automatic AI detection and where it falls short of being reliable, and illustrates why this trend will continue. More importantly, this teaching tip presents some methods in which faculty content experts can determine if writing has been created with AI.

Innovating through repair

Artistic musical notes made of cut rocks.
Turning inward as a community, sharing used resources and repairing as needed is an Alaskan way of life. Just as transfer sites are a physical manifestation of this, we can create and find places online that allow us to share and reuse discarded resources for teaching and learning.