Category Tools and how to (tips)

This is for tools and ‘how-to’ items

Pinterest in the classroom

Pinterest is a free image-based curation site that allows users to create themed “boards' onto which they may “pin' relevant links, which appear as tiles. Board creators and viewers alike may comment on the pins. In this week's teaching tip find out how Pinterest relates to education.

Collecting information with Google Forms

The ability to quickly create a form for collecting information is packaged within UA Google Applications. Google Form is a very handy application for creating forms with multiple possible uses within your class or department or program. Create a form to collect information on a wide variety of topics and review the responses in an aggregated, organized-for-you format.

Interactive timelines

Creating an interactive timeline can provide perspective on how a topic has evolved, and how events occurred along the way. By using a Google Spreadsheet template and resources on the website,Timeline JS, you (or your students) can quickly create a multimedia-rich timeline.

Blackboard SafeAssign

SafeAssign is a Blackboard module that not only allows instructors to check student papers against published content, but can be configured in the course shell to allow students to check their own work. This can be a valuable part of a learning activity for beginning writers.