Tag ai

Q&A on AI Text Detection

A student working on a laptop in a cabin while a humanoid robot leans over his shoulder.

Are there any tools that can reliably detect if writing was created with artificial intelligence? No. No, There are no tools which can reliably detect AI-generated writing. This teaching tip covers the current state of automatic AI detection and where it falls short of being reliable, and illustrates why this trend will continue. More importantly, this teaching tip presents some methods in which faculty content experts can determine if writing has been created with AI.

AI and Your Teaching Practice

A robot teaching in front of a floating, glowing screen that is situated in the center of a clearing in the woods surrounded by a boreal forest.

Join us, from 10:00am until noon, 11 January, 2024, for a semester-start discussion on generative artificial intelligence. This session will offer an overview of current efforts at UAF to integrate AI with teaching and learning, as well as share resources…

AI and the Writing Process

An illustrated scene of a book in front of a window that looks out onto a forest.

Join us 30 November 2023 from 1000-1200. In this workshop, participants will explore what generative AI can and cannot do when it comes to the writing process, emphasizing the human skill of revision while incorporating use of AI to help with stuck-points. This workshop will focus on research writing and is a collaboration between the CTL and UAF Writing Center.

AI and the Writing Process

A quill pen is writing a story on a page of an open book, as if by magic. The book lays open in front of a window with a view of a fantastical forest of many colors.

This workshop was delivered Tuesday, 19 September 2023, from 1-3pm. Generative AI (ex: ChatGPT) can produce writing in multiple forms/genres and on almost any topic you might ask for. In this workshop, participants will explore what generative AI can and…

Sharpening Critical Thought with ChatGPT

A diagram of concentric circles that place educators at the center of teaching design, preparation and practice

In this teaching tip, we explore the possibility of using ChatGPT to develop rich question pools with correct and incorrect responses and having students examine each response in a low-stakes manner. The teaching practice is borrowed from a published article from the Journal of Chemical Education.