Favorite Podcasts

Hello everyone,
I’ve been gone a while, for which I am sorry. Well, not really. I recently returned from my honeymoon. So no: sorry is the wrong word.
Now that I’m back and caught up, Digital Beards will continue. I am starting tomorrow, with a multimedia recording of a presentation I’m giving  at iTeach, our faculty development festival (which you can read about more, here.) I’ll try to get the post up before the end of the day.
In the meantime, since this is a podcast and I believe I’ve spoken several times about the podcasts that inspire me, I thought I would put together a little list of my favorite podcasts, and my favorite episodes from those podcasts. These are what I listen to basically all the time—just ask my wife.


Favorite episode: “The Upside of Quitting


Favorite episode: “Unraveling Bolero‘

99% Invisible

Favorite episode: “In and out of LOVE‘

Welcome to Night Vale

Favorite episode: “A Story about You‘

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