Going mobile

With Blackboard Grader App for iPad
The Blackboard Learn application for iOS has been available for quite a while. The application is very student-friendly and is a great option for accessing course material and posting to the discussion board using a mobile device.
The Blackboard Grader application is now available (iOS iPad only) and should prove to be a great advantage for instructors. The application allows instructors the ability to review, give feedback, and grade student assignments. Assignments that are submitted as PDF, Microsoft Word Powerpoint, or images such as PNG and JPEG, can all be directly opened within the application. Other file types may be downloaded and viewed using alternative mobile device applications and grading and feedback can be given within the grader application.
Feedback options include written, audio, and video-based feedback. Just think, you can give students audio comments or a one-minute video explanation as personalized feedback.

Do you use Blackboard Rubrics? On the app, you can access your assignment rubric, add scores and comments.

You can use the same comment annotation feature that you’ve become accustom to using on your computer to give specific feedback on homework as well.

Synch grades with the Blackboard Grade Center – all at once or on an individual basis. Students are notified when a grade is posted.

The features the Blackboard Grader application offers can help you get assignments graded and feedback returned to students without having to be tied to your laptop or desktop computer.
Blackboard Learn Quick Hit Video — Bb Grader