Google Hangouts becomes Google Meet

Google Meet replaces Google Hangouts

In the next few weeks, some faculty may notice a switch from “Google Hangouts” to something called “Google Meet”. The two are nearly identical but the change in interface might be a little confusing, so we’ve summarized some of the changes to help you stay ahead of the game.

  • up to 25 simultaneous users
  • invite students through a meeting code which you can reuse
    • get a meeting code through a calendar event
    • get the meeting code directly at
  • currently only works in Chrome; other browser compatibility is in the works
  • moderator needs to have a Google account to log in; users do not need a Google account ( or commercial gmail account) users do need to use Chrome to access meeting
  • there is NO option to call the meeting with a phone unless you use the Google smartphone app

Resource with lots of good information

The New Google Welcome Screen
Google Meet replaces Google Hangouts
The new meet (Hangouts) interface for Google

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UAF Instructional Designers

This page has been authored collectively by the experts on the
UAF Instructional Design Team.
Let us know if you have suggestions or corrections!


    • We don’t yet have confirmation from OIT on when it will be implemented. I expect it will just become the default one day. We’ll try to let everyone know!

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