Discussion Board Course Link
This Blackboard Bitez tutorial shows you how to create a course link to a discussion forum. Course links are an easy way to keep all your navigation in one folder, one location. It minimizes confusion and makes your course overall look better.
Show Notes
A link directly into a Discussion Forum can improve the navigation for the students in your course. The video above shows step-by-step how to set this up inside a unit/module folder in your Blackboard course.
Additional Context
Course Links are internal links to places in your course. They act as a shortcut. These links can be a way to improve the navigation for students in your course. Course links can be made for the Discussion Board as seen above in the video. You can also make them for the course menu, and add one to an announcement, or create one from the Build Content menu in a content area.
Blackboard Help Page about Course and Tool Links (Blackboard)
Facilitate Discussion in Your Online Course (CTL)
CTL Teaching Tip: Discussion Prompts