MATH 122 Spotlight Course
Dr. Latrice Bowman is an experienced online instructor and mathematician. She has been teaching for CTL for several years and has worked hard to make incremental changes that enrich her course. These days, her course is full of studio-quality instructional video, top-tier organization, and a sophisticated blend of tools that improve the student experience for everything from homework to making office hour appointments.
Learning Glass Videos
Latrice worked with the UAF CTL Media Studio to create Learning Glass videos for her content. Many instructors who make heavy use of the whiteboard in their face-to-face classes really enjoy using the Learning Glass, and find it a natural fit for their teaching style. Latrice was a natural at adapting her whiteboard style to a new format.
Learn more about the CTL Media Studio.

Assessments that require students to show their work, especially if there are equations or other specialized notation involved has been a stumbling block for many online educators. Latrice has taken advantage of UAF’s institutional license for Gradescope, a tool that greatly improves the workflow for grading and organizing hand-written work digitally. It allows her to assign worksheets with complex, multi-step problems, and give detailed feedback at each step of the way. (Check out what CTL has to say about Gradescope!)

Office Hours with You Can Book Me
Tutoring and office visits are a recognized element of student success in mathematics. Latrice uses a slick calendar app called You Can Book Me to simplify office hours. No more emails back and forth full of scheduling confusion!

Latrice Bowman
Dr. Latrice Bowman holds a BS in Mathematics, MS in Applied Mathematics, and an Ed.D in Online Education. She has been teaching for almost 20 years and doing online mathematics courses, both synchronous and asynchronous, for about 12 years.
View the UAF Course Spotlight session with Latrice for more information about her teaching practice.