Quick guide to Canvas

UAF begins our transition to Canvas in earnest this semester. Please use this quick reference guide to help you stay oriented as we make the move.

Canvas Training

24/7 Canvas help for instructors and students: In Canvas, find the Help link at the bottom of the Global Navigation (far-left menu).

Canvas workshops hosted by CTL: See and sign up for our scheduled beginner to advanced sessions.

Department-specific workshops: If you’d like to schedule a department-specific workshop tailored to your exact needs, contact Jenn Pedersen (klnewman4@alaska.edu).

Consult a Designer: Schedule time with an instructional designer for assistance with course design in Canvas.

Your Course on Canvas

What steps should you take to get your course ready?

Look for your course on Canvas: Login at canvas.alaska.edu using your UA username and password. Most Blackboard courses from the past four semesters have already been migrated to Canvas with the same name as on Blackboard.

Request course migration to Canvas: If you are missing courses that you wish to have migrated, let us know.

Get a Sandbox: Request a sandbox from NTS at any time if you’d like to play around with the features inside of Canvas or start building future courses.

Get Your Content Ready for Students

Clean up migrated content: Review “My course content is in Canvas. Now what?” for suggestions on how to get your course ready for students.

Find your tools: The same publisher and other tools that were available to you in Blackboard are also integrated into Canvas. You can find them in one of two places: in the course “Settings” under “Navigation” or when creating a new Assignment by selecting the “External Tool” option for “Submission Type.” If you don’t find what you are looking for, you can always request an integration.

Course Copy: Watch this video tutorial on how to copy your course in Canvas.

Stack Courses: In Canvas, the term for “stacking” is “cross-list.” Follow these Canvas instructions for cross-listing your courses.

Stay Up to Date With UAF Canvas

Bookmark the About Canvas page for continually updated information on UAF’s adoption of Canvas, links to useful tutorials and on-demand resources, and the CTL Faculty Events Calendar.

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