MILL Makerspace June Challenge

June’s challenge asks you to bring in the outside. This month, embrace the vibrant and diverse landscapes of Alaska’s summer as your creative inspiration in this unique making challenge. Collect natural items from your hikes, bikes or floats — be it a colorful leaf, a smooth river stone, a wildflower, or whatever inspires you. Bring them into the MILL to transform them into a piece of multimedia artwork.

Bring In the Outside

  • Collect an item that you find intriguing, considering how it can be used creatively. You might…
  • press and frame wildflowers,
  • paint a landscape on a flat stone,
  • construct a mixed-media sculpture that incorporates both natural and printed elements.

As you work, think about how each piece represents or connects to the environment it came from and how the makerspace tools can enhance its presentation.

Join the Show!

Submissions are due by 3 July, in the MILL to be included in the Second Friday Gallery

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