What is that Blackboard Support Question Mark?
Our version of Blackboard has an added feature for technical support called EesySoft. you may have noticed a blue-gray question mark that follows you in Blackboard as you move from screen to screen.
When you hover of the icon, select the icon and a support page pops up offering you some assistance. Depending on where you are on the page and which section of Blackboard you are in, EesySoft will try to provide the appropriate support to help you on the way. You can also do a search if Blackboard suggestions aren’t helpful.
Sometimes, the icon can get in your way, though, especially in some of the views like when you are grading. You can not completely hide the icon but you can move it!
Notice the up and down arrows are the right side? Select the arrow and drag and drop to where the icon isn’t in your view. You can move it anywhere on the vertical axis.
Thank you thank you