Roundup of relevant Teaching Tips during coronavirus pandemic

The following Teaching Tips offer relevant “how-tos,“ friendly reminders and simple solutions you can implement into your new distance courses. Many have been updated in response to the current coronavirus situation.

If you’re completely new to online teaching, these recommendations from experienced online instructors can help.

Recommendations for managing an online classroom

Blackboard is big and it’s easy to miss useful features. Here are three scenarios you might find yourself in and three Blackboard features that could help you out.

Try something new in Blackboard

Want to dive into Blackboard even more? Explore our Blackboard Bitez channel and otherTeaching Tips about Blackboard.

When adapting your course for distance delivery, you’ll also have new accessibility concerns. This tip focuses on three big “buckets“ that are important when considering accessibility in your course and some links to help get you started.

Accessibility round-up

Most of you are using Zoom a lot these days. Here’s a rundown of what it is, what it can do and best practices during this unprecedented time.

Use Zoom videoconferencing in your courses

UA has been using Kaltura Mediaspace for about three years. This post has five quick tips that will make you handy with video in your course or work.

A Swiss Army knife for video

You’re likely setting up your course for distance delivery as the semester progresses. This post will help save you time.

Three ways to set up your course more efficiently

Your original plan for final exams may no longer be an option. Investigate some alternatives to traditional exams, papers and presentations.

Cancel your final

You are unbelievably busy right now. Here are some ways to pause and take a breath.

A gentle reminder to take a pause

Search through the full Teaching Tips archives for more answers to your questions.

Can’t find what you need? UAF CTL instructional designers are offering support Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Register for an appointment here.

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UAF Instructional Designers

This page has been authored collectively by the experts on the
UAF Instructional Design Team.
Let us know if you have suggestions or corrections!

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